Greetings NetDMR trainee,
Mark Lombardi is inviting you to a NetDMR Training Webinar. If you have attended one of these classes in the past, we now use Zoom rather than Adobe Connect. Please do not wait until class time to set up the Zoom plugin for your computer's web browser.
Start the process of getting set up with Zoom and repeat the process later when joining the class/webinar from your PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android by clicking the link below:
Unfortunately, the following security measures have become necessary due to the emerging threat of what is called "Zoom Bombing." We now ask that you do not share this email message with others and that you adhere to the following protocol when attending your class.
At class time please click this link:
Log into the class using your first name and the first letter of your last name
Enter this password to be admitted to class: 556439
The link is active now but no one will be there to admit you to the meeting/class until shortly before it is scheduled to begin. Zoom is hosting this meeting/class. Please take some time now to make sure that your computer is ready for the class by clicking the hyperlink above. When you do, Zoom will walk you through a process to make sure that your computer is ready for the webinar. Then, a little before class time click that link again and you will be taken to the waiting room for the class. I will admit you to the webinar at class time.
You have options for how to hear what is being said in class. You can either use your computer's speakers, or you can plug in a set of headphones, or you can call a teleconference line.
To fully participate in the class you will need a way to share your thoughts and ask questions. Probably the easiest way to do so is to use a built-in microphone on your computer. All laptop computers have built-in microphones that will work for the class. If you do not want to use the built-in mic or if your computer does not have one (nearly all desktop computers) then you have four options. You can plug in a microphone, or attach a headset that has a microphone, or call the teleconference line below and use your phone for both the speaker and microphone. The last (not worst) option for participating in the meeting is to use the Chat tool in Zoom and type your questions and responses into it.
Whether you set up a microphone or not, the Chat window is available to everyone and I encourage you to use it during class for quick responses, confirmations & affirmations.
You will be asked to choose how you want to hear what is being said in the webinar/class and how you intend to participate in it once you have joined the meeting.
The numbers below will be provided to you at that time, so there is no need to write the info below down, but I have provided it here as a backup.
iPhone one-tap : US: +14086380986,,871954940# or +16468769923,,871954940#
Telephone #: +1 (408) 638-0986 or +1 (646) 876-9923
Meeting ID: 871 954 940
If your plans change and you will not be able to attend this class, please let me know so we don't wait for you. Rescheduling is not a problem. We offer 2 classes per month.
All that you need to do is register for a different class by clicking this link
If you have trouble before the class begins, call 303.691.4046
Mark Lombardi
Water Quality Control Division
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246
Colorado NetDMR-help: