About Us

The Colorado Stormwater Council (CSC) is a 501(c)3 organization of local governments with storm drainage systems serving populations over 10,000, which are termed Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems or MS4s. Federal regulations under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) require stormwater management practices to reduce pollution discharging into state waters. In the State of Colorado, the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment (CDPHE), Water Quality Control Division (WQCD) oversees stormwater discharges by issuing MS4 Permits through the Colorado Discharge Permit System.

CSC acts as a forum for MS4 permit holders with the intent to:

  • Promote the exchange of technical information regarding stormwater regulations and compliance with permits.
  • Serve as a voice for its members during regulatory procedures, meetings and hearings.
  • Educate members on all aspects of stormwater such as legislation, permitting, technology, resources, program management, and more.
  • Aid in the development and implementation of stormwater programs at local and regional levels.


CSC provides representation of 83 local governments and organizations in the State regulatory processes, working closely with the Water Quality Control Division to streamline permit renewal processes, providing experienced and innovative solutions for incorporation into draft permits, and collaborating in the production of stormwater related education and outreach materials.

Other Accomplishments

  • Winner of the 2007 Public Works Program Award for Environmental Design/Maintenance/Operations
  • Winner of the 2019 National Association of Flood & Stormwater Management Agencies (NAFSMA) Award for Water Quality Communications

Joining CSC

The Colorado Stormwater Council is a membership organization for MS4 permit holders. If you hold a MS4 permit and would like to join the organization, please fill out a New Member Application Form.

Request More Info

Contact us at admin@colorado-stormwater-council.org.